How to choose the name for your blog?
After deciding what your niche will be, let us decide on the name of your blog.
This is an important step. It is the first step of creating a brand for your blog. Obviously, you need to take this step seriously and professionally.
Never choose a name like my imagination or my adda or love you Ranbir even if you are creating a blog to share your passion for something Bollywood. The name of your blog has to create curiosity and impact in your readers' minds.
Here are some easy steps on how to choose the right name for your blog.
- Always think of the global audience. As a blog, your blog will not be limited to your region or your country. People from every corner of the world will read it if your content attracts them. Having a name that people don’t identify or relate can turn the things off for you. But even if you have to choose something that is not easily recognizable, choose something easy and explain the story in your ‘about me’ page.
- Chose a name that conveys the idea behind your blog easily. For example, if you are starting a blog where you will share your college life, choose a name like My College Diary not something like M’s college.
- Always avoid names which may cause copyright infringement. Like if you are sharing your expertise on Adidas shoes, never go for a blog name like My Adidas Shoes. You never know when you get a copyright violation notice from the company.
- Never choose your own name as the blog name unless the blog is a portfolio one. People may never guess what your blog is from the name of your blog.
- Always use an easy and simple name for your blog. It is important too that people hardly misspell your blog name to avoid loss of traffic.
- Try something catchy too. Create a catchy tagline to show the spirit of the blog.
Some important tips
- After choosing the niche for your blog, research thoroughly about the prospective topic. Pen down the ideas that come to your mind. Now, narrow it down to choose the right keywords for the topic. You can insert the most important keyword in your blog’s name to increase your SEO.
- Check the name’s availability in social media too. It is important to have social media handles with the blog name.
- Always keep the name short and easy to remember.